when is it now

lundi 17 janvier 2011

the days pass in happiness, the sun passes from time to time through the clouds, I breathe quietly without any concern, it does nothing else I need to meet this uncertain state of happiness, like a warm breeze that can not remember, unlike the cold wind sweeping the earth for days, so when I get up I feel the breeze of hope, I savor the moment, he will not return, there is now no other condition, take it or leave it, the choice is uncertain, what happens there after, nothing happens after, when everything that comes after does not exist, happiness follows implacable rule, it is now, that it is important to always be, for that matter can be lost very quickly, but it always comes back without even trying, he falls unexpectedly, want, happiness is there, I do had not noticed is that there is the funniest human, he does not realize right away that he is happy, he is so used to a neutral situation that gives him no 'particular emotions, so when he realizes he is in step with the times in a barrage of smiles and perfume, all is well and then I do not know what will happen

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