when is it now

lundi 24 janvier 2011

if I knew what was happening, but it turns out that the situation escapes me like a galloping horse, the earth trembles, the ears become clogged, it passes right beside me, I open my eyes Is the urgency to choose a step to the right towards a hill behind me while I do not see what would happen if I did turn around, but I do not have time to go all directions, because we know that the transition to the next moment can not go back to before, after, is to a place, whereas before only waiting, he died before me no longer exists, n waits for anything before a project is built as a house, you must wait until the roof is mounted before descending to the cellar, then it slows down to the lounge to calculate the possibilities to go around once you put the furniture if it can agree a decision is changing the address but she is the head always above the body, I look in a mirror, I see, I am whole, but around my walls are not the same shape, so this is how I can be fully conscious, I know where I am

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