when is it now

jeudi 27 janvier 2011

in the passage, no place, rarely lit, roach almost sense of self, when it is for, even if it changes, sorry for taking time, I will make tomorrow when I will not have needed the canteen patina in the soup, write legibly, I always reread what I write whether I passed the second level, I'm not the first time remained, devoting years to the maximum, now it appears in the full light world exists, if it starts like that is expected to climb to the top, but when it is finished, look if we all can understand, you say that I am able, say I try to pass, to which, to me, from winter to spring, flowers grow and die, it says season is in and nowhere else, here we have the ability to write, so it comes from outside to mix sense, it is far from clear, with a few smudges to look pretty, that's when I was, if I had known, but time is taking place to eat, it's time, forward in, in, in, My situation, it is difficult to find a comfortable place where we can afford to be good for him, without giving a reason, normally, of course, I say, Thursday, Friday

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