when is it now

mardi 18 janvier 2011

when will he say that all is well, at least everything is going well, obviously this is not the same thing but if we consider that it will go well is that we are already, for able to say that it is not necessary to be wrong, because at this moment things are not right and it is not likely to get better, so to summarize, if we say all the time all goes well, it leaves more room to be wrong, it's a matter of practice, the more the longer you do, and once it started, why stop, farewell problems, vivid solutions in joy, every day is an opportunity to experiment, upon awakening I position my brain on the morning of welcome, good morning how are you today, me it goes really well, the hours pass by, behold Noon arrived, I'm hungry and I feel good, the hours pass, about 16 hours I feel a slight decline is the "tea time and it's been a while since I am not even my doctor 'm advised to avoid snacking between meals, I drink a glass of water and left it until the evening, I dine and spend the evening watching TV one day to win, how many more to go to be well, I hope to always be welcome in the passage of time

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