when is it now

lundi 31 janvier 2011

it was a simple story, one day he was born, one day he dies, one day he eats one day it rains that day because at night it nothing happens, no verifiable information, dreams, hallucinations, no Control is the only human equality, the day is uneven, the smartest, richest, happiest, the less true, least least, a team that does not seek happiness in a group, instead each lives in his corner, trying to distinguish itself from others by money, culture, power, each clan is tight, and inside each is a war for the first time a life , barely 80 years, if we remove the first years and the last one where life becomes a shell, it remains 50 years to try to climb up without being dropped by the jealous, the main problem is the accumulation of experience away from the innocence and pure creation, we can not escape it, it's part of the human project, is it because of his lack of first lose faith in God who made it out of paradise like the flesh of Eve, since he remembers everything he does or does not, and every ten years he turns on his life and he sees billions of copies that go down to his first day, a frozen image

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