when is it now

jeudi 27 mars 2014

if I had the chance to do

if I had the chance to do what is there but I 'm too high , I must go down, it's wearing , I do not know how , do I go soft or soft , take it or leave it, or do wait , I chose a path is tenderness in small quantities in each time it is a plan that gives what he can, slates, the rat poison , shampoo , hasty solutions, the current memory , and then deep hope a small bench , which allows you to ask when tired, that's why I know how far I have to go for it used to something, otherwise why live , j ' I 'm remains , it is not decided yet but I know I 'm a crossroads , if I choose the right moment is the gift but how there is so helpful and slow words it starts , it stops , it's a little there, it's still what I do , but that 's why , to this fold announcing that the time is ahead , wait and get in unison, so I can go straight to the faster, in every sentence a watch, it may sound but in general it is set to the time based , so if I calculate the time multiplied by choosing to another word , it gives me the result that everything is ready, so I know when it starts , it is a step closer , one thing that happens , a roof collapses , uncertain times and everything is harmonious I do what I can to be closer to the announcement, because here everything is full, it can not communicate in the chapel , it will make an effort to make it bears fruit , a day perhaps we may eat fruit from the garden , it will mean that we may be dead , but that's another question me what I know is that life goes up to a point in time and why not in the skirt of the girl or at her breasts , but that is a termination of pregnancy right on a child arrives, he goes out, he cries , yes my little is hard life, it starts badly after nine months in the amniotic fluid , that the baby is propelled into oxygen, the first coupler is the air that burns the lungs, but at the same time it is air that gives life and all his human life thank you for being born but also die because of air that will remove his vital energy , which is why everything is so rare, there is no love while interest is , everything is personal , it is not believed to others because the heaviness of the mind can not consider losing it then you need to try everything to avoid being soaked in the deadly liquid , it is a struggle at all times , do its utmost to ensure that life goes on, even if everything is tiny , I think it is obvious, it can not be otherwise, what is done is more to do, so it could go into a wall, I am at the center and I expect it will come one day and that day I thank that helped me to overcome the odds, which is come for that I am aware of, but when I do that is more open, there is always water flowing , then I must mop , it makes me feel funny to see that it can happen, because in the other world I was always behind schedule , because here it is right now, should not drag, it's intense , we did not mind , it's always the same, it is quiet, not to worry and that is in the tower, I think we'll destroy everything, that way we will be sure that there is no corpse of princess with long hair

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