when is it now

lundi 31 mars 2014

that could change it is now accepted

that could change it is now accepted that everything that is said can not go alone , must accompany the blue sky and the blue sea and the yellow sun, and the desire to penetrate a woman, but I do not know which to choose, with my luck , I'll come across a woman who likes to talk, so me it is a physical need that I need to clear once and for all , that now I can not choose , I have too much confusion in me to see clearly , I need time and if I need to change something it would be to see that life has a different face , but for the moment I do not see anything happen , it remains frozen in time, there is no change, it is always the same, so why I have to do something else, whatever I do, I find the source of what I am , so if my vision is still the same is that I 'm still the same , but I do not have the age of my 20 years since I learned to see big, but it's not beyond the scope of my first try and then I 'm like that , there is nothing to do , it will be like that as long as I will not be able to do anything else , anyway the longer it goes the more I find bizarre life, others are strange and I I think there is , for that I am aware but for the rest I do not try , it's too far , it does not concern me , I like to take the same path , I do not like losing , I prefer to know each building each store , so I can spot me when I go and when I get to sit down I'm in a position to break after doing the maximum to open a gap , which is just a way get there when everything is taken and that there is a small pile , nothing to put down all dictators , all bastards , all idiots, but hey, we do what we can

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