when is it now

mardi 25 mars 2014

Is shine forever,

Is shine forever, a living water that could give me nocmore thirsty, but then why would that life is not, not enough to live on , always running, but also making waves is it fun, luck , relationships in the art world and goes on TV to say nothing because modernity requires to be connected but without content, whereas before it was lost in a field, we died at 35 years , everything was under the rule of a king by divine right , but when you think the man he thought he was above the other just because he had his degree Bushman in tax matters, but now modernity says no, you can not pass from father to son , what the father did not go after if the son is degenerate , then for not having inheritance , we were told that the president would be elected , as it every time you vote you can change the person who runs it is the people who decide who he wants , but since women vote we are in slow cycle as how to recognize that everything is done when it is still in place there best seen what goes down , a wall that separates people who hate , a common destiny and secret words for each step uncertainty stepping on a mine , that's how that one is forced to spend time convinced that peace is better than war , especially for the population is forced to flee from the tanks of the occupant, that's life on the side that crushed n ' have not chosen to live miserably , but that's wandering in a harbor where the boats moving in a clatter of masts without sails for sea everything is blue , but when it's released his knife to cut a slice ham , so if that 's not why we must still see that everything is measurable , since ancient Greece , we know that justice begins with terminals that puts limits its scope to show what is mine and what is theirs, it was a turning point in the life of the city , before everything was prince , humans were not free

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