when is it now

mercredi 27 juillet 2011

it is necessary, I am sure, otherwise I do not see how to keep what it takes to eat tomorrow, we need to know to prepare for later, then I spend time doing nothing, it's important to know that it's worth it, but before I do understand the turn to the right to make sure I am in a position to do it again not in the same place, it's crazy people who start every day without changing their habits, every morning, the 7:52 train, arriving at work at 8:30, it lasts for 20 years, and then one day it's fall, the heart loose end of the first time, it was thought that one could build hiscareer, but you end up in a hole, damage, humans do not know what they lose, always to quarrel for nothing, they can not have the ambition to be together, it would require another education more focused on love than on history or science, these early years are the foundation of life, if it is crushed to make engineers capable of making phones that pollute the earth, which will progress , every day we invent tools to communicate, but people today no longer speak, before in the villages where most people lived, everyone knew each other and talked without having tophone, with modernity is said to have more and more singles who do not speak to anyone, not with a phone that never sounds that will make friends

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