when is it now

vendredi 29 juillet 2011

you never know what will work, we try something, we expect an outcome, but exactly what is expected, is it just day that passes in silence, but I know that nothing lasts, it will find another thing is the secret of life, we must bounce back to avoid crashing, too bad if we start from scratch, the only real experience is the most profound is that of a human being, his life is unique, he advances with time, and it is not difficult working conditions that will stop the progression, each day is an opportunity to take a step towards tomorrow, it's not much, a small stone that is in the middle of the road to where we are, sometimes I tell myself that I am far, it's a very personal thoughts, it comes from my inside, deep inside me there a truth about who I am, it does not lie, is the certainty of the body is the only one in the middle of the subjective, the emotion, the feeling, we know that 90% of the humanis false, he lies all the time, to see do well, to avoid going to jail, to give the impression that all is well, everything is wrong, but like everyone else does the same thing, it vanishes and it becomes true, so if that's true is that I can go well despite my desire to go wrong, all this makes me want to eat, bon appetit

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