when is it now

mardi 26 juillet 2011

when I was young I did not drive, now I trace my way like a snail, very slowly, with a difference, I trace in the day, I sleep at night to forget who I am, who I was that I will one day perhaps, but until I do as I can, that is, I try to be what I am, it's not always easy, often I 'm 'away for me by far, other days I am getting closer to feeling like an animal,the more I advance in life and I feel bad before I felt bad at times, but I thought no, now I tell myself that it will go from bad to worse, I'm caught in the vortex that leads to heaven, how many days will I spend in eternity, no more days that count and those that do not , eternity is always more than the beginning, no end, but there all the time, no more worries, no one rejoices more either, overall happiness, life is full of endless variations is more tiring, it can not rest, each hour that passes is one question, who am I, what am I doing, the answers do not come, how to build, how can you go, if i go, that's okay, I'm going to see, I want to know what's coming, it's called optimism, a little bit more, to here, this is not it's better, it's older, the experience grows, it accumulates the visions,

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