when is it now

mercredi 20 juillet 2011

oh, oh, oh, oh, what do we do now, ah, ah, ah, it's like this every day, but I'm sure all is well, because I do not see what is wrong, I see what happens, I watch TV, listen to the radio, but I do not kill anyone even if I wanted to do, for I am well educated, i live in France, the land of Rights of Man, so good, so good, so good, I repeat to make sure you believe it, it's not easy to wake up every morning jumping for joy of his bed, lot of conflicting thoughts come from the unconscious to wade through the area the alarm haggard eyes are opened, but we do not yet understand that we are in my room, we just made a dream where we were in the middle of 6 naked girls who stuck their breasts at me, I felt that it was true as what the human takes his dreams for reality, but what is true is far less funny, take the example of 6 naked girls,  were they washed before coming on the bed, how to know if they do not have AIDS or venereal diseases, the bodies are dirty, they sweat and quickly they stink, to be always clean we should live in a large bathroom where they would install the living room, TV bed room, and we regularly take a quick shower to get rid of dead skin, it can not be seen but as the snake changes its skin, the human loses any remaining small pieces glued and mixing with sweat, it smells, so I prefer to dream

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