when is it now

mercredi 27 juillet 2011

should look a little more, all this is true, I am now in a new situation, it goes far, attention at the time that happens,it goes fast, I have not the time to understand, the brain is full ideas that do not correspond to the urgency, it's always in a habit of thinking, we still think the same way, so when the crash comes, we are not prepared, we could not anticipate lack, it is full, you can train in short, humans can not get lost in what he is not, he can do in what he is, but it is not Interestingly, we know well, but look for what is not in us, this is a desire that takes off, I begin to see the extent of the opportunity is huge, I'm at the beginning now I must be lucky, how to get a chance, do not miss it, it means that we must recognize it is the first problem, how do you know that intersects a chance, they often see later when everything is over there agree I see it, but it's too late, we must open our eyes when it happens and it goes fast, life's going up on average 80 years it is a dust in the universe, it quickly collapses, youth is an island away, there no more what i was,  it starts to jam, hope flickers, will it fall open, it still continues, I remain optimistic

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