when is it now

jeudi 21 juillet 2011

pretty face tell me if you speak the truth, the truth is hidden under the skin, if it's beautiful, so it's ugly, it's the same, we would like to believe that beauty is truth, but it is a tale fairy, all humans are similar, the same ideas circulating in the brain, there is no originality, it is only films that imagine an old woman talking like a teenager, infact, old have experience, they have no wisdom, at all stages of life resulting from the drives spin, ie we leave the way to go in the brambles, and it stings, there are some who likes it, then it must be said that changes from person to person, the tastes are the colors, it's about culture, family education, social position, if one worker is if you are a bank employee, if the parents are rich, so I'm an idiot and all that it counts for taste, I love opera, I do not like chicken, I'm fine, i am cold when winter comes, I know by heart the number of French departments, I know London, but all that is superficial, what really matters is the depth of being that is built into the same mold for millions of years, it does not change, it is always born in the same way we made ​​love, it scratches his head, it walks like Australopithecus, we look ahead without understanding, there are always sunsets and sunrises, the moon comes in the night and the stars, it is believed today that the computer has changed the world, while humans will always have the same impulses, whether a computer or washing machine, it does not change the life, it simply changes the way we communicate, instead of shouting in the savanna, called someone gently at the other end of the world, living here is the only issue

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