when is it now

mardi 28 avril 2015

no no no no skin skin skin

no no no no skin skin skin countries country can can can can for for for for how how how how how on on on on please please please please but but but but but but you have to have to have to have to put what what that that that that that that that that that that that that immediately immediately immediately immediately learn how for how long because because how this time this time this time this time lost lost lost for punishment for punishment for punishment for punishment for punishment for punishment for all for all for all for all for all for everyone else also elsewhere and also how to do how how to do how to do enough enough enough enough enough to believe believe believe believe believe and everything is up front and all that stands in front of and for the first time and the second time and for all happens behind and for any what happens to the side and like that it's another story that I like is to have that to be more clear but for all that flat for me, the other that seem made in the mold of human horrific killing flying rampaging for nothing for the love of a woman for the hatred of others for contempt of itself and when it counts is upside it starts to remember everything is lost, then sit for an authority you buy the newspaper we read the images and when it is time we attach the bed in the direction that seems to be the most suitable for the presence on the land of benevolent angels to guard the sanctuary the Bible and in all likelihood there then I do not know what to think, suddenly told me that this is the culprit, it suddenly told me that it's strawberry vanilla when it's dark outside, but I I am equipped with electric lights that work very well when you get to the lead to resistance and then one comes across a passage or the person says that to have more time she cut with scissors passage which speaks of loss of personality in a hostile environment and to forget the unbearable am looking for a way to relax the sense to take time to have the feeling that everything I saw an opportunity to laugh at oneself to be sure to find the right path that leads to wisdom, yes it is true, what is happening now is a passion that is born for the study of contraceptive methods adapted to the desire of young women being penetrated by a boy who will as one who will one day marry her but for now everyone stays quiet, it is too early to say that the couple is formed, it should first be able to take the witness into the least nothing then to save the ease of living still below seasonal norms as well as when I take my shower that comes easily to me that I'm alone and then as per usual I found a smile when I think of all that I avoid in my life, because I do not want contact, just scared me, so when I can, I'm doing something useless that I like and as it is right in the closet I have take a ladder to try to catch it and as always I barely reaches the top that I forget what I just look for is my life and without complaint as time goes on, but with a little nostalgic moments I started in the head to be scrutinized good intentions

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