when is it now

mercredi 29 avril 2015

this principle there I hear but I do not understand

this principle there I hear but I do not understand what you're telling me to be what else I am what I am and I do not want complications, what I want is simplicity, this is normal it's well, that's why it does not, you get the opportunity is too good, I wait in the car, she gets too close I worry, but she wants me she's too something I do not know if I drive I pay attention to anything that could lead me in the illogical result, and as is perfect I expect to be chosen, which is not a necessity but finally life line in front I have not yet decided to participate, because at the moment I hesitate, what that want, that build on, to know that if you do it is for one simple reason, it gets complicated, that it's like this can not be helped ease that was before but when before, I do not know there are years I remember everything just happened, it was what I wanted to say, for example in the choice of losing what is not important, before we did it naturally but now we do not know if it is zero or it is good so we keep all the pieces of string bullion gold the cobwebs and please all the others who come to tell me that it's great, but I know it's all a joke, what goes up does not fall while the other, which is not yet born, it will take time to come, I know that it is a cross that floats on the Nile and why it's more than that I had ordered that a life not a series unnecessary days are forgotten, while a lifetime rapidly in the fall of my time for what it does not say that everything is violent even joy that imposes itself at the expense of full silence that would have known that we go for one day but it comes because the body is not in vain certainly not, but with places upside and gravy flowing on the table how to get to fear that the earth moves faster, faster fire and the water falls so in a more open months I seek a way to take what I find in it is or not because in the middle there is a hole, I seen in 1995, but since I wait, I think everything is close, if it is a threat I am willing to accept it but for the rest I will not enter this room, because I know it ' is useful and paying, but I do not see what I can do here, thank you to note that it's all about right or wrong, so to be clear I do not circulate between the two, I stop at the well and I think it is very convenient, as it happens in the main interest it is a good choice for extended avoids having to come back and that change came an expert say that there at center there There was laughing, but that we already knew so I asked him, but he thought there then and he made a striking remark by then the greatest chance I do not know where he went and when we s is reviewed last week we realized what that meant because it is smarter they say in the opposite corner of the district but now we must say that everything is organized since the beginning of the case, was opposed , rambling, expanded, sold, thirsty, come, wanted and finally made what belongs to Caesar, and as is usual in this wine region, a glass of water we drank but then I stop it ' is too tiring for increasingly far enough it goes like this, I am me you understand I have no desire to run

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