when is it now

lundi 27 avril 2015

what to see in life

what to see in life, waiting time after the search for identity merit close the door when everything happens by chance to be placed in a sort of round flat to avoid dropping the sauce over the polished floor since all others went to see a scenario in an ancient tree and for this reason is sufficient I do not pay attention to anything else that could have become a brilliant thing but with more stable intentions which takes up more space because as they say on the other side of the earth, a time that is done there is no hope as we did before with the idea of ​​good repair lemon that would share his youth in the camp who passes by to automatically have this certification grain takers who leads down into the cellar to put the treasure, then what it is between a discussion heard several times because the highest expectations a choice must be alone like that could later but with more enthusiasm but to be honest so do not start running into the temptation to do it quickly, the time required a stormy justification, to find out what happens in the previous memory and as it is artistic be careful to pace could accelerate despite strong section close to death every time because the center of the track we put a reinforcement to allow lions not to endanger this time because we were afraid that everything goes right behind, but with all our desire and our joy we have managed to make the entire round without falling and therefore have that's something that does not improvise this present time is there, so do not abandon it, what is done should be at the center to see every day and realize the progress of work, as it ' is the eye that sees, so do not pay attention to the prawns, there is in life that two conditions necessary from time to time, to be true you have to plant a tree that shows its claws when you want turn it into planks and then in the tenderness of a well in the plenary, there has always princely suite in a search for perfection that seems to perpetuate the king's speech for all the toys we want to send to generations are put in a box that is in the middle ranks of fluff like this one is sure to be able to take if one day you want to check that everything that enters into the composition of dreams, well located near the notch, one that confronts isolation must yet be time to take the fatal healing powder and how the center of rehabilitation standards, we are more excited when it's time to open the package, it is a joy no single multicolored balls but with provincial accents, mussels arriving from Britain desires threaten Colonel with his plucked heron, then in the afternoon I go through there to amaze me that everything has changed since the last time Fifty years ago, but how is it possible, is it all turns to address this in order to do that without losing a moment, it's tragic, but it goes into silence, while for me time is a blessing, it is understood at once, without preparation through a transparent curtain to not miss passages airless nothing that fits easily in the tube, there is no need to look everything is taken in time perfect

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