when is it now

mercredi 29 avril 2015

slow to feel the bones

slow to feel the bones that stand what is this pleasure from the meeting of a new type that comes from Venus, but that is not how to say the right to be as twisted like other teeth, but as here it's later that there the story does not say what happens in the tent, but everything I touch I put it away, you never know if you're afraid to do it's not worth taking the risk, it requires any person after it is freedom because it does not want to go further we stay here it's good it is here but I know that we can not stay too long in one place because this silence is good for snails to humans but we must move from time to time, the general plan it becomes good in a number of years in this style for a childlike joy that receives a gift but adults observed him from afar the passage that leads to hell, because what is happening is awaiting a pardon lip because at the same time in the other piece screams of fear, but why should we live so long and have Sir fear because even if one has the time should not make a ton, what time he wants right away, while life flows thank you to come see my chain agree this is not the most beautiful but original it because instead of having links I installed beans which is not very useful, but I do not care it does not used to it but everyone thinks I'm in a box, but I can not say that all it does is a simple to use while in deep space lung is not seen coming Georges Maquin not appear suddenly we see a light, okay I understand what's happening is a measuring instrument that has lost a day that was wandering in the country, and then it rained and while everything was wet I put myself in mind that the advance of molecules was put to use in the role of an old man who tells his children that his youth was a rolling stone so fast he vomited everything Lunch important thing at the course near the reactor structure, I then asked John to disconnect the main sector but has not had time to do it because my buddy Albert thought that was the origin of evil party in the dismissal procedure and as this lack has been updated had to intervene to calm the situation and the goods and then we realized they had the wrong destination was unwrapped in Mexico because we eat Tapas, but where I think the key is to perform well in front of an anguish that moves at the speed of reaction of the winter months when ice fish traps frankly that's how that it goes out it's not worth the wait, we must act faster and be sure to take the evil and put it safely in the pouch that's what I think and I hope that everyone is well aware that our effort to provide is not just to make bread but also to keep an eye on possible contradictions among the civilized world, I remind you the mission since the earth is dead we could emigrate Venus is smaller but we did arrange for some leave for Mars is more far and it's colder, but with our permanent installation is not risk anything except to be thrown on the floor in an attitude monkey but it happens very rarely so I think it's time to drink champagne

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