when is it now

lundi 29 juin 2015

one day I arrived somewhere

one day I arrived somewhere and it all starts in the beginning, it is going strong I moved all the hand, I have to stick to the boats not to sink and as the day goes by I also goes deep into the night, all is silent do not make noise but I fall on a full bowl of chicken livers, and when I get up I see the lighted windows go all cooked a body designed by Watteau and truth for it to be made hollandaise sauce but here comes a sea by the West when it was thought that for fifty years had the time to build a wall to avoid having to do all the time checking newcomers as for punishment we are more open to discussion with those who want to open their bag found there everything related to navigation at sea under a blazing sun and then in the afternoon I find olive kernel belonged to someone who seems accustomed us to eat out, and as is again must be a thorough investigation to be evidence that sheds light on how to take a time that does not have the latest and up see that everything we do we give him for a simpler thing that goes into the making of satisfying moments when it's time and before doing the most important thing in life is one thing I do say no because I myself do not know because to know what it is it must pass the barrier that says we do it right, because it can often happen that a sudden urge you get into the winning new customers, but as we do not like it, we get tired and it stops, so that if one chooses something free that concerns only a few people, it's been that I started and now I continues because for me the essence of life is somewhere under my feet so I must be careful when I go by that is why I tell myself all the time that remains I will be in an unstable situation, for that too because you have to go several years to realize that all the time spent is unchangeable, it is a block that is growing year by year and we can do nothing to minimize it or take it to the side, it is an ancient world that is not in a serious dialogue, everything is crazy but contains the main building in an orderly making many day without waiting but just piecemeal actions that are interconnected by underpasses without pain and joy, because for now I built the foundation, it is time to be very stable because we must try many paths before bursting onto the international scene, and as is the only way to advance the cause that is not only there, but with all the attention does not remain straight into the front line for a ride, and we see what it's like, I touch, I scan I plan, I fight, I open, I brake, I wait, I saddles cards, I think that's enough, and then I start again in a hurry to do jumps and even if I run away I find myself initially, it is always the same path, that pardon, that surrounds the mystery of places and suddenly it goes to one side, I am with difficulty, it goes up goes down I can not breathe, it is necessary that I stop the worse it is too far I had abandoned too quickly, once it's over there just close the door dreaming

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