when is it now

mardi 26 mars 2013

an ancient memory throws me an important message when it is time to give up the pleasure, a moment of pure grace, why not try to understand the point that fled the coward, I would have liked to talk to him, but it is already left for other adventures, a day like this it started well, okay, okay, and then it starts, or rather it begins, it is a reality the same way again, half like this, moitité in jungle prints seen in a sudden stare, feeling that vanishes in the second after the first one chance passes, the breath of life which then turned into a series of questions imbeciles who am I, where am I, pass me the salt, yes I'm ready for you, I wait for the train, I must be on time, it is now that I live in, and within a month, and in a year, and never like before, it changes dramatically, it no longer resembles the past, the new overwrites the old order, it becomes disorder, wickedness, garbage pourissent, the will to win that fades, and in a dark passage, the envy of balance to live alone

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