when is it now

samedi 30 mars 2013

it is easy to find, every second you can say, I found the solution, and the second after it is finished, it should start looking is looking old people I understood that life is looking for something that continues to live when we stop searching found the dead is as simple as that, but do we do when we are still in the prime of life and that all is well, it is difficult for a large part of life nobody wants to believe that someday we'll fall into a hole, it goes straight into the career one day become a director, and too bad if the runway is not long enough, it's crazy to hear the same thing, everyday life is manageable, it can be done, while life is only lies, crimes and stupidities that can truly claim be above problems, it is the human who can not see what is happening without always go back to him, his possibilities of understanding its chance of success when all the others remain in the dark, then anything is possible except in the fly area, split to increase the opportunities to live more, you need in life is confidence, feeling free, which grows to interest, it is happening, projects are tiny, and love happens in a largesse inhumane, it is a constant daily dance where impulses without thinking evil is the problem of human how to handle the pressure that builds on head, oxygen burns our lungs, sun and wind we are experiencing, and we continue, generation after generation to live clinging to the minute, I'll be back in a minute, it only takes a minute, then we went for two hours, and finally it is evening, everything is over, we think only sleep, sleep, forget what we did, sleeping, from the unconscious, most telling of history, everything is hidden somewhere, we must seek

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