when is it now

dimanche 17 mars 2013

there is a passage, is that I take every day, one narrow, I have no choice, I must be what I am, this is how, where would I go tomorrow, I'm ready for the adventure of life, everything goes well, and I have not done anything to make things go well, I saw every day, hoping to wake up in the morning, then j 'hope not to have cancer, then I get dressed, I'm ready to go out in life, you get out there between, it is a pleasure, it is not the only one but it is very important when one is old, it never leaves home, it's terrible, it's a nightmare, I imagine getting in and out until the last day of my life, because life without getting in and out is no longer the life, it becomes survival, like a wounded animal, it is the story of life is what you choose the program, what we want, what we can, is there one difference what I do, I do, and then I do not know what that means, it does not interest me, I'm in the final action at the end of the road is the end, then no mistake, this is a direction, I go on a road bordered on each side by high walls, I look ahead, I see nothing, I have ready to go tonight, I train all days, one day it will be the day, but before I get ready, I have evening ready, this is important, the limit will be ateinte, there will be nothing left to do, it will be, it will be not long, just a way to find out why life, it will not be long, a few words sufffiront, new lighting, something simple, finally, it's over human complexity, these dark holes, the blinding lights, it no of Balance, we saw a foot is fragile, uncertain, and yet we getting married, we advance, we made ​​plans

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