when is it now

jeudi 14 mars 2013

once, and then the first situation, where I can be a moment never forgotten, because what matters now is the moment, this moment ridiculously small that shines like a star millions of kilometers, life goes on as if the earth was not round and not turning on itself in space, the human brain is very well done, he can forget that surrounds to attach special attention his life that leads from place to place, from left to right, without losing sight of his personal interest, we all clapped in the same way, it is my interest that guides me, others occur later in a second phase, if it is what i want, you can continue to be together, but it gets harder when you love someone, it is carried into another dimension, it is no longer quite what did before, we did it together, we done against the other or the other, it depends on the situation, in short, the time spent with each other or thinking the other is to ask how we can do when we know that the brain is expected to act alone, that's why I love a woman for 20 years, there is no reason to take it is the love that lives within us and determines to take the plunge, the reason is vanquished, shall we go through, we'll see

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