when is it now

mercredi 20 mars 2013

when I go under the moon, I will take with me the need to finally become sure that I am on the occasion of my life has been going on for years with no time I fell all the way down, it makes long as I remain at the same level, it is a fact supported by a special grace, I'm not here for nothing, what would I choose if I had been allowed the freedom to make what I want, c 'hollow is a question we can not know what does not exist, one day is not enough to understand why it is like that and not otherwise, long ago I went looking for something that would allow me to go ahead, I is not back for good, it is a daily effort, there is nothing to distract me, I am focused on what happens, a trial, two trials, the third is good I savored the pleasure of taking a decision serene, it was once someone who wanted to see what's behind the door, but before trying to turn the handle, it had to face the evidence that passage was unable to show this, we had to dive into the past, it did not, it would have to turn to this that builds the future, but how do you know if it can still continue, it does not require much energy, it will go somewhere, there is no need to worry, I'm ready to hear anything because the timing is right, this is the one, there no doubt, I'm sure it starts, it is good

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