when is it now

mardi 26 mars 2013

one night to sleep to wake up the next day, I thought it was good, so it's been years since I fall asleep every night in the hope of waking up the next day and I am here today to to talk, I'm not dead in my sleep, I do not fear, we all die of something, until I saw pretty well every day I wake up happy, another day to pass, c ' is wonderful, but I do, that's fine, that's not what I was expecting, but whatever, the main thing is to live without problem, if I ever have a problem I can tell be something else, but it's 45 years it lasts, no problem, only solutions, happiness at every step, prayer, joy, lightness, it is beautiful, it is soft, c is human, I try to eat healthy, vegetables, a little meat, fish, chocolates, wine, oh yes, the wine, I confess, I can not live happily without drinking wine, it burns my throat, it reduces my life expectancy, but what the point of living if you can do without pleasure, I regularly need to drink wine, it's part of my life, since I am an adult long, it's been a while I drink wine, but always with wisdom, it's been that I do not drink to the point of not knowing what I'm doing, it's been years that I drink for pleasure, a soft lull amid the agonies which are not attached, they arrive, would remain but are forced to leave because here it is now, no nostalgia, no anxiety that lasts, everything is soft, everything is gone for a large motionless voyage, it floats trying to look ahead, it is not always easy, life surprises when you do not expect it, what to do, what to say, without hope in the fight next day, it shines, but when we seek to know what is neutral, it does not commit you to anything, it's just a way of life, an essay in full light,

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