when is it now

jeudi 14 mars 2013

it is natural to think it's part of the gift of birth, some people more than others, but what is it, in fact it was one body and one life, so why live alone in a tower ivory, go to meet each other, share, understand, sit among the people, and then have the chance to meet someone who could go well with the library, you never change not if you're scared, it's like that all his life, if it goes well, there goes all his life, and if you like the body, we love all his life, there is no surprise, all that is decided early in life, when we do not yet speak, we look at what is happening and we set an anchor that will be the same throughout our lives, anchor includes all kinds emotions, it is a kind of toolbox that will serve all the occasions of life, everything is planned and there is no failure, it is God who has done everything a project as large as the sky, before the stories are many but they all end up in the same place as cold as a hole in the eternal winter, but before finishing it abounds in every direction, it runs, it ramp, it seduces the human does not understand that is mission on earth, the time counting the days, one day we count backwards, it remains only, but we do not know it at the last moment when you are terminally ill with cancer, more than an hour, more than ten minutes, another minute, this is wonderful, I loved life, I did anything, I used my body and I am now in 60 seconds from the end, I'm ready, I could not continue as I had done before, I had to stop me, but I was too deep in a habit of easy pleasures, always the slope of the immediate desire to possess money, body, violence, not a moment of peace, I wanted to rush into anything that moved, and one day, there is not a long time I have been obliged to m stop, hospital, chemotherapy, palliative care, not fresh vegetable, late pleasure, renunciation of life, preparation for death, this is not what I had planned, I now understand what I did wrong I did not see it, I was blind to love, I ask forgiveness, is it too late, sorry, sorry, sorry

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