when is it now

jeudi 14 mars 2013

The day is beautiful, it shines like a pretty dumb woman is like that pretty women are stupid, whereas there are handsome men intelligent, how it works, I think we should first say that the problem is not new, indeed for thousands of years there is a way of life that does not belong to everyone, i mean those are the ones who are born thinking they will be able crush the other, while all the others spend their time playing like sheep in a meadow, one day decide to make intelligent war, but they are not the ones who go, they send the good guys get slaughtered the aim is to raise the most money, life goes, nothing can straighten everything goes wrong, you do not realize it but it is tilted, the weight is too heavy to bear, some have looked to the right, others to the left, or forward, or backward, depending on his taste for old detective movies or comedies American 90s, in the brain we do not use all the same parts, commercial sale only think, think only poets give, it makes a difference widens with time that exists is strong, it is a game but there are no rules, c is a mess general, we do what we want in secret, happiness is to be alone to weather the storm in a glass of water, the reality is simple, people unhappy, fearful, who are aggressive to defend themselves, like animals, life is well done, it has to aggresser people, others to be victims of another to pray for everyone, oh joy, oh life, oh love, days, nights , desires,

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