when is it now

lundi 19 septembre 2011

be in a reality requires to stay near the line, out of the way there is a hidden uncertainty is when we realize that we cross it, is too late, because there is no point running we must start now, it's time because everything is ready, we can see what exists, I can finally understand why we must live in France instead of Somalia, I speak, I am French, I born in Paris, others are born in Mogadishu, one can not choose how to live happy, does it a lot of money, a lot of power, success, or should we see life in simplicity, you, you me like me, you, you do not like it, no discussion, I have no time to lose, I decided quickly, then we move to action, no time lost, I know the people, I jus tlook to see what they are, I'm not saying I know their life, but I know what they are deep, and as I know well, I see right away if it can work, I  am never wrong, is it luck or can I issue a crown of best analyzer of character, whatever, I am what I am and I just use what I can do in my relationships with others with a little practice I could improve results, a simple sketch I got to see exactly who I had in front of me, it was all a shell around us tells us about the outside and also provides essential information of our body, now I know see these envelopes, and I can say with certainty whether a person goes to the happiness or misery, the person himself does not know this information is the deepest atoms, from the mysterious man who comes from the first men, who did not speak, who were unaware of the land on which they lived, since we know something about everything, we're going to the moon we will drive on vacation, the TGV is a high-speed train, it goes faster and faster, but th question is why do this

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