when is it now

jeudi 15 septembre 2011

a closet full of sheets was in the room next to the rooms each had a bed and the stairs down to the bottom could be, then we would know what to do, some went fishing, other cooked meat , I waited for it to pass with some trepidation, I wanted to be elsewhere, in a quiet or I could spend a pleasant day, and maybe even two days or a week or two, or life, die, be buried, never live, never ask me what to do, life is badly made, it should be possible to live simply, like being in a box, each in a box, all on the same plane, we would all equal, but life is not like that, some are silly, others are stupid, the problem is to know in which category we place ourselves as there is always an idiot or stupid for someone else, silly or stupid, that's what we all are, we do not live in love, the brain is intelligent, but he does not like, it is primarily used to discuss intelligently, if we can is crushed his neighbor by showing that he is an idiot, it's only ten thousand years that humans lived in town, if one considers that the proposed advance in social justice is more urban, the countryside is not to evolve, it comes from the proximity to the earth, what is moving when the seasons come and go, so when can I live in love, perhaps when I am dead, I believe

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