when is it now

jeudi 8 septembre 2011

if I could learn what works, but instead I am stuck somewhere and I can not find the way to go, I hope it will not last too long, but I do not know how long it will last, so I will try to spend the day telling me the morning it will, in the afternoon it's going in the evening it will and at night I sleep, it's not difficult, it is a training, first day is hard, butthe second, and third, the first month, second, next year, hopefully, I can move without a cane, my brain combines, analyzes, I understand what I understand the rest I do not think that's how I managed to move forward when many others remain motionless, they are stuck with a story of childhood that was not digested, it can go up to old age with an unresolved problem since it is 5 years old, so out of this situation, take time, think of nothing,let his mind from where it will gradually emerge at this difficult time these nodes that block the rope of hope, wait, go slowly, slowly we let dream, and during that time the problems go away, there is no magic, human alone can produce solutions, we must accept to let go

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