when is it now

vendredi 16 septembre 2011

in a year will I be as slow as now I do not know why but I can not get out of the mud in which I started one day of depression, I did not realize all of later, I found it very comfortable, but in reality I was wrong, the situation changes, but does not come along, I gradually understand that the body does not move quickly, he needs to control everything before make a decision, this process can take years, because the inspections are going very far in the possibilities of each organ to start in the same direction, if we want change, it's as if all of a sudden we do turn around and walk where you come from, when we see it, you think it's the same for the mind, he said turn around, but it does nothing, he expects the information that comes from from below, not from above, the brain controls everything in the body but there are many places that are independent, it comes from the era of homo-sapiens, for food they ate raw meat, the body was used to digest raw pieces, one day they mastered fire, but the damage was done, the stomach was in the habit of transforming the raw, since they eat hot every day, but the old body is not modern, the gap between the two  grows, we want to overcome body in the modernity , every day we learn that doctors give back the sight to a blind, make a crippled walk, one day we will have men whose bodies have been replaced by machines, but never remove that exists for thousands of years old but it is perhaps what we call the soul, it does not exist and yet it is she who allows us to live, it gives us the energy to move, think, see, the human long ago  were fish, we became human, why, is there a reason

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