when is it now

vendredi 9 septembre 2011

if the train passes I look and I think it's Monday, but what went before, it may be that I already night party is a condition of the first level, we must spend much time to spend from one level to another, why is it taking so long, the human is not prepared to look at personal identity are, in general it simply an exploration of light that doesnot push, I looking for is a story without words, it's hard to get there quickly, I was educated to find the meaning, is one day I can free myself from this direction to reach the non-sense, this is my pleasure to seek this unknown world, I believe that humans can understand without understanding, the body is an essential communication we can't make out easily, the words are too loaded with meaning, or else otherwise they must have to find another way, if my stomach for the obvious solution, along the dry mouths, but when we advance towards a solution low,or in the extent of the prairies, it must be realized it is an error, the human knows nothing, he hides it by focusing all of his intelligence, that's not what matters in any direction I choose one that looks like the table of cooking,gas fire, a blue light, a passion for cooking, ideas in packs of two and nothing to say about how to cook carrots,a chance to believe that envy is the only one to do some both must be held not to fall, it's not a question of age, it falls every time the emotion is too strong

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