when is it now

mercredi 28 septembre 2011

should see in the dark, it would avoid bumping into the furniture, but when it moves in my head I can not remember now if I should still be in the same place, a particular moment is what I should do not do, but how to collect all the forces not to sink into contempt, the brain does not distinguish between beauty and boredom, I consider it necessary to step back when you can, if not not possible then we wait a little, with practice you can gain greater access to self-acceptance, a slow and complicated way, it is not expected to help, we must do only what is to keep life as close as most of its actions, one false move and you fall into a huge hole, it's over, we can not escape, it becomes the past, the time is unknown, it is not thought to get there, so why try to lead his life somewhere, everything happens more than people think, that's the problem, it is too dreaming , when the reality is right, I would like a curve to the right a left, take the time, but suddenly I see before me is clogged, I put myself on tiptoe, I climb a ladder, but I still see nothing, I go and the back wall, I run, but I will soon, more for me to block the move at the same time as me, then I stop, my problem comes from me, what does not work,i was carefree, life went quietly, now I'm in a vacuum, I should fall, but I am still in place, all is well,

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