when is it now

mercredi 21 septembre 2011

one day, two days, ten thousand days, these days it goes up to thirty thousand days, what for, before we had less time on earth, but they say they benefited more from life, now that we are living longer and sicker, it costs more to society, we also know that people who are aging longer are not happy, they can not go outside, walk the streets, going on holiday, what what makes life, action without thinking we will fall, the old are outside the circle of life, before they were so few people said they were wise, now that there so much that they became fools that are abused in nursing homes, rotting at home, no longer able to be clean, stain the carpet with pee and excrement, that's how humanity ends , the brain empties as well as the stomach, but still welcomes the evolution of life expectancy, thousands of centenarians, is beautiful, but we will not see how they live, in each time it's different, how could we have imagined thirty years ago that life in France and more widely in Europe would promote the influx of older people, it never happened before, a long time people lived 50 years , wars, famines, killing many people, but now for 60 years, the Western Europe is not at war, people eat various things, there are controls to ensure that food is safe, there are real medicine, not like in Africa or Asia, there is only one problem, in  the transition to retirement too many people get depressed when no longer good for anything, it should be possible to allow retirees to serve as counsel in companies like that they would not be idle, it would be less  a burden for the society, but there are so many people who are unemployed and not yet retired, these people get depressed, they will not be old

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