when is it now

jeudi 22 septembre 2011

if it was, it would be nice, it could be good, but there is always something that is embarrassment, the desire is not alone, we also want to die, but we do not decide when, something is missing, the pleasure is never over, it would also disappear for ever, than ecstasy, eternal oblivion, but humans can not get rid of her body, I love my body, it does not look like a star film, I'm not as intelligent as a Nobel Prize for mathematics, and yet I exist and I would even say that I can bring something that is not intelligent but simply human, the human has something to say it is all that matters, a birth somewhere and go, the experience is unique, I am what I was even before my birth, my ancestors have given me genes, has been preparing for a long time in the secret passage to me, I came to the world one day, but I doubt that I am here today to talk about my heritage, because now I see everything I owe to my predecessors, generations to finally arrive, you have to say on a mission to think we can say something that interests people, difficult people to interest when they are told, you live wrong, instead of trying to show that more than others, we'd better love your neighbor, without him wanting nothing but his happiness, because in a fantasy world i could dream of love, suddenly we love others, but humans did not evolve until then, each generation sees the birth of bastards, nice, crazy, big salaries, we can not help it, humans can not change themselves, they crawl like woodlice, not knowing why they walk

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