when is it now

vendredi 9 septembre 2011

that's where I am coming out of the spark will not start anything, you still have to understand is a possession,something that works alone, approximately one year after the start time, one condition, to live from a test to see what happens, start now, wait for the right moment is right now, if want to go beyond consciousness, what is possible is right, otherwise we miss, but it was more likely, once, twice, thrice and even more, it comes and goes, as long as we did not understand what that means, you can watch without understanding, the brain does not tell all, the more lives we accumulate more knowledge, but it still lacks something, then find what is missing, it can take years, but when we found, we say that any n 'is not in vain, there is a justification on the ground of existence, we must find it, we can not rely on books, the search is personal, is created at the same time we saw him, it is a tiring experience but when you are caught by this passion, we can not discard it, it becomes a compulsion, we can not do without it, that's why I was born, it's a start, then you can do find nothing else, it depends on each

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