when is it now

jeudi 15 septembre 2011

if I had the urge to start telling me that it was time to take the decision to leave, I stayed in the same place without deciding, once, twice, not three times, that's enough that, what is to think of things you will not, time passes so quickly that we should not get lost in the confused thoughts, going to the essential, and which is essential for me, that is what I do now, the concrete, positive thinking, it's a daily exercise, I practice every day to think only what matters to me, annoying is that after three months this year I realized that what mattered to me the most was me,or rather these are my thoughts that interest me the most, what I'm going to think in one hour, what could think different, I try but I look the more I think about nothing, the emptiness, feelings of confusion, I forget everything, I am alone, I go at my own pace, nothing does not require me to do what I do, so why go on, I'm trapped, I do not realize at first but now I can not do without this activity, it became like breathing it's as if it was vital to life on a death, I now live, and one day I die, it is in a long time, I have so much to do before disappearing, days pass without seeing them in the morning, evening, and then I am ready to engage fully in this adventure is the only way to combine efficiency, truth and loneliness, I like to go at my own pace, i like to stick to my truth,which means that I have difficulty with the truth of others, and I work alone, so I organize myself as I want and I can say what I want it no exchange, as long as it lasts

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