when is it now

mardi 29 septembre 2009

the absolute reign supreme, but when leaning forward he was carried away by a wave of indignation from the tip of the ice in summer, then it comes back in some strange cases badly closed, but there no need to worry, security is the way we see the commonplace, after four days we can take the freeway, this place is not pay-attention even when they tell jokes in the valley one died of laughter and it stops to bury the dead, we did not have the strength to drag the bodies to the village, we put them where they laughed the more, what better in life it misses the more time it is possible, I say, stop the efforts that are being lost in anonymity, let's be brave and happy at the same time, I know it's difficult, but remember time of happiness without effort, every day at work by the head, all those hours of boredom for a small salary at the end, no, I say no, then I say yes, I did not means of my action, it takes the agent to live, yes, it takes the agent to live, I must convince myself to seduce my future employer,

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