when is it now

mercredi 16 septembre 2009

when I think to myself, I try not to exaggerate, nor in one way or another, unless I'm in a slippery slope that leads me to the bottom of the icy solitude, fortunately I get out quickly looking up above me, what do I see a dark sky just waiting to bust me, what I'm someone important to decide when the sky changes, that's how I am recovering to believe in me, something that works, the sky is my buddy, we look, we understand, the sky waiting for me, I'm sure, but until he gives me hope live at least until tomorrow what could be more wonderful than thought possible for my happy every day that passes information I knew the extent of damage, transient depression, body breaks down, lack of gratifying relationships of the usually tasteless, but still, the moment passes into the light, a second of joy, is sufficient to move from one moment to another, forward to the adventure, it did ' stop until the last day while waiting I think in my life is through, it makes me happy to live so many days past and future

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