when is it now

lundi 28 septembre 2009

he could be silent, but an irresistible urge to say anything remounted his stomach, because it is well known that the responsibility of each no better than the other, provided a good measure of the distance between the starting point and that of arrival, even if this does not guarantee the desired success, it must not be under any illusion, nothing happens by chance, is believed to guard the accident stupid, and nothing happens what we dreamed of, anyway the dream does no good, the reality is much better to view when you face you cow, you run the other way, you never know with animals, it's with someone with a gun in his hand, he asks the time, which is more natural, and yet you feel rise in you a terrible fright, I asked it the last hour He will then shoot me, I dare not ask him why he takes the revolver in his right hand and not in the left hand, it does not change history, but it can not discuss, he is armed If I run, I am a target, I have one solution, turning the gun against him, a sudden move, I took her arm and I tried to put the gun in the direction of his heart but you made me cry he ears, sorry, I do not know it was the toy of your son

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