when is it now

jeudi 24 septembre 2009

the truth is when everything becomes possible, for example, just take a turn on itself to find that the cross stitch is available the day of rest, if it is mistaken, a such resemblance, you do so on purpose or you have the ability to twist the metal is ready the end I say that to see if common sense is brought to the rifle, a good shot is worth two good blows, Unless it is otherwise, well, I mean full is better than a vacuum, provided the leaves a day in the refrigerator, a simple action that allows candidates well-born to claim the highest functions, is the destiny that chose him to die in a car accident, she will have four children and can not walk alone until seventy years, it's disappointing to see that self-esteem does not follow the slope of the social ladder, but I do not lose hope, he must conquer in the end, I did read at the beginning, I have forty years to get to the bottom of the good-looking, looking forward the most nasty hidden thoughts , sad farewell afternoon, hello happy evening, you announce tomorrow already, this meeting possible, the dream will become reality, but for now I prefer to sit on a chair

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