when is it now

lundi 14 septembre 2009

I did not miss a day to see what will happen tomorrow, time passing can be reassured, it is time to live, to live besides two plus two or three times four, the simple course of hours just to love, I like the transition from one hour to another, what, already eleven o'clock, it's time to move on, how to choose the destiny, is it inevitable, I say that I take time, but it do not expect, it goes straight in a direction that escapes me, I'm only human not able to fly faster than the earth, my space is small, medium body that breathes without much fear that Will it happen, I do not know when I do not worry, everything happens before we see him coming, he comes by surprise because it is not anticipating the future, it unfolds as a cloak among the possibilities, suddenly a blinding light passes through my brain, I reached inside myself, the only copy of humans since the dawn of humanity, I am, or am I am rather I tomorrow, every day just now, then it is all about probabilities, under what circumstances, it was a Monday, in the middle of my life, nothing else to know

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