when is it now

mardi 22 septembre 2009

it is time to act, without renouncing inaction, I am already doing nothing, I'll see what happens, then I'll make a detailed assessment of the evolution of this in future but how to remember exactly how I had not put a bit of what I am, how I was already a little less today, or slightly more, depending on whether one is more or less likely self, anything further because the reality exceeds long been aware, at least before my birth and after my death, just long enough to check the levels and I launched into the wall, the wall of his course, or Instead of me, me, my truth does not change my story written with the blood of my mother, he cried, blinded by the light electric life is fake, a sun lamp for a reduction in life, my world is a room tidy my head, the first day to today, hours of boredom surrounded by weeds that blow in the wind, I cry but nobody hears me, not worth tiring, I look at the trees, what do they expect, they grow in silence for hundreds of years, humans him mouth sixty years and then immured forever in the eternal cold

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