when is it now

mardi 8 septembre 2009

the ambition of wanting something is a big mistake, the real ambition is to dig a hole to sleep long, life goes and nobody can stop it, even if one is murdered, it means that life could not go beyond, then life stops in one way or another, we'll not spend the night to talk about it like that, let's talk about you, you seem to be balanced rest assured I am not, and I warn you right away, your body attracts me but I do not love you, we will never have love story between us, but why God created creatures such as you, it must be terrible for you to inspire feelings of cattle, but it's a shame the girl does not speak French, I am contented to undress her and take her, my god What chest, that's all I said, it was my only fantasy, indeed I would not want such a situation, I like sharing and sex should come after many meetings, whether The couple works, that the complexity of the brain, I almost know what I want, but the madness in me urges me to rave knew a body which I know nothing and no matter since it is only for enjoyment body

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