when is it now

lundi 28 septembre 2009

in the known world there is no mystery is why we speak tonight of the unknown world, the world of the awning, the fairgrounds in wine, jokes, me, you, a whole world to discover before dark, then it will be too late, everything will disappear in the darkness, he must run for staying in your apartment, the starry night, the sun has disappeared, but returned tomorrow morning, he went to a walk across the land, what, the earth is round, but when you look at the horizon, it is flat, and the more we advance the more it is flat, then you can explain why it should be boiled water for cooking pasta, is a mystery, one more, we will never know the truth about the why and the how of that was in France at the UEFA Cup Winners' octopus seasoned with peanut butter and it is pouet tapping them, look, I'll show you how it's done, the one, the two, but I lost three, oh, oh, three back, I need you to finish my story, but three does not, she died three years ago, three years ago, that time passes quickly, but it's true you're right, it was the year I left prison, I remember it was just after Christmas, we had eaten chestnut log

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