when is it now

mardi 29 septembre 2009

I thought, but it's done, everything is down, I have no hope, we must start from scratch, a ruined life for forty years, you do not pay attention to passing time, but the action is fatal inaction is neutral, you do nothing, nothing happens, it's on now, but decades later, you realize that everything is death, envy, look, l exchange, leaving only ruins, and I'm in the middle, how to bounce back, where to find hope, that is you never know where it went, but I do not know what to say, it will be too late but today is not the end of the world must wait until things change, all this is not my fault, I live in a tough time, everyone lives his life and nothing beyond, we look but it does nothing, each for himself, an attitude of retreat in the face of danger, should we fear, the angel said he hoped, it is in adversity that we are born, Ash, a little water and is made of porridge, what wade forgetting that worries weigh a minimum weight, which means a lot, but you can not convince himself that everything happens, we want nothing happens, a quiet life without making waves, but suddenly it's the tsunami, the former are dead, others survive

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