when is it now

lundi 30 juin 2014

I am sure this is

I am sure this is something that comes from far away and puts in the time to come because in terms of effort, there is the time required to sit, and then it can not move , then we must stand up and take what passes in front of the cabinet in a green field there is a possibility to save the innocent, as it is no longer seeks why there is so much misery is a calamity, everything is done for millions of people take to the road to escape the massacres and when I see that everything is set positions so that the rich get richer, I do not understand, can not we organize to everyone enjoying life when I dry after a shower, this is where I prefer to take me for a god, because when one is able to see what is hidden, it is a divine gift, but as I do not have that power, I just move closer to the concern in order to see what it is and then I continued elsewhere because I did not need to be worried, I think life is good as long as you prepare to be happy, and why should not necessarily succeed in their studies that lead to a comfortable position, because to see what happens you have to upgrade to the helpless human a weakling who can not do anything to save himself, then to go further we must find a vehicle that takes me in an uncertain area where people begin to believe everything I say, it's like why I understand why it is like that, turn in circles for years before the thing is nothing, a mere accessory, something that disappears when trying to know and for that I am able to spend hours every day for the chance to see it, it does not last long, a few minutes interchangeable, which gives me access to a path that I explore in order to draw the energy j 'I need to feed love, because when we love we need spiritual food in the exchange with the other one is able to continue to find the same pleasure at the beginning, and the more time passes the more is great fun because you feel capable of producing the same as it's been twenty years since it lasts

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