when is it now

lundi 23 juin 2014

Suddenly the train

Suddenly the train that makes sense at the time to do that I think one thing I do, but when it happens is that in a single moment with each side of elite troops who can not go through it because here is a springboard to go over anything, then in a full head bother to add, it is curious is strong, but it is also the style, because everything this is a time permits, which begins in the room once, so that it starts to vibrate in a finger knows that it works as it is not worth singing, so a place closed is not the last time, which can still meet a lot of things because as high as it goes, it is a choice that grows with the certainty of finding one day that passes like that, without having other thing but everything is in the suite, one small, one big, surprising qualities and hunger a step length that it goes well, people soup, but this quarter is full, then in time remains of what to do I look for a button that becomes hard to pleasure, but what can complete the hole, is located there, with nothing planned, and what is the time ends, a red roof but also a desire to rise above the clouds and so I said that everything there is there for a reason, is that for years there is a thread of continuity and as this is the song that goes in the mountains and returns to be made immediately, do not wait for what is what is provided quickly when you can do it without noise

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