when is it now

mercredi 25 juin 2014

know what it is worth

know what it is worth some attention on average for the chance to make a gift, taking into account the belief that indicates the time, and just yesterday I started to polish the floor This has made me thirsty, so I took a bottle of water and I drank, which made me want to pee so I went pee and the last time I change my sidewalk because I saw that if I do that thinking otherwise, I might take a door in the face, then I know who I am, wearing a new announcing the end of the disc, I take a huge weight and I know I am unable to continue on, I need more time, when I was five I had to live for today I am doing what I do, then in the solitude of the creation, I allow myself a recreation that is to do something else for a little while, and then you have to accept to make another full, which is trivial, but sorry to say it, I know it will hurt, it Certainly it bleeds when you cut with a knife, while if it is used a sponge wet, it's how I knew where to go we had a global vision, which gives me a chance to blow the lock of attraction on the way to the big decision, because this passage is destined to become a yachting that will make grooves on the beach but then we have to see that it is finite, then I'm looking for something that does not take any energy but gives at the same time one night a day to go for a chocolate cake that is my way of saying thank you to all those who were willing to come and see my neck because what is happening now is a chance that collapses so I persuaded him to do for me what I expect when I'm in first place, but it can definitely not get to spend there, I have to take the road which passes behind the cemetery, and when I arrived in front of the room, I always start to give me time to know what I'll do, I'll go after my desire, and what else there is so far I do not see what happens at the end and when I try I can not be there at the same time as the last time

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