when is it now

mardi 24 juin 2014

this time has been open

this time has been open since the key fell into the sea which reminds me crabs when we are children, it rises quickly, a little further than that in a single place for all that matters is put in a short months since it also happens in every space is a little more than that which is less than without stops but what is done is not as much as in a rapid rise, when everything is green, there has a strong chin but all that happens is a choice, when I left, there is envy, love, luck, the acceptable situation as regarding the promised change there is a safe bet that all that is put in a box and comes back years later than for the chance to die one day and reach the promised land, which could have the pleasure of living long enough for it can make one or two more rounds for a silent depths, I hear very well the sound of the bell, because what is pleasant is a trap for envy, because as well as inside to outside, there unlikely that everything is gathered to one side to the other all is done to make the passage is clear, whereas in the present everything is melting, there is no reason why to go all I know is this, while I do not know this is because seeing it is a present time, at the same time as the first choice when it releases enough energy to be in place for more which speaks first is not the best because it must wait until the truth comes to the end of course is what happens in a terrible moment when the end comes time to say goodbye, but before closing the door I try one last time to take in silence the meaning escapes me, but again I have to give, everything is done, and it is not negligible, since the airship is inflated, so that's why I know that all it means is one more day to get everything done in the flesh, which began to tremble as the load is heavy, it's been that I prepare and there in silence Religious I believe that the time is right, what I need is a knife to cut my arm because I do not like doing nothing and when it's done I knife into the heart and then it's over, I go immediately afterwards

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